Friday, April 30, 2010

A Spiritual Guide to Twitter

1. Go with the flow

Avoid tweeting "in order to." Twitter is the most enriching when approached in the spirit of fun. It may lead to marketing or personal branding, but consider such things as added benefits.

Twitter is a great self-discovery tool. Listen and engage, and soon you will discover who your tribes are and what makes you tick.

2. Be yourself

"I have nothing to tweet about! I haven't done sh*t!!"

Do not be concerned whether you have something remarkable to say. Tweet what you are having for lunch if you like. Tell us what you are listening to.

Twitter is a human-centric medium. And humans are multidimensional, so tweets should be multidimensional too.

Allow yourself to tweet your random thoughts.

3. Be generous

Share news that you consider important to your tribes. Give your advice and references freely. Do not hesitate to talk to strangers. Give for no reason.

Be generous with acknowledgments. Introduce remarkable people you follow. RT to help a movement forward.

Tweet "Thank you." Let people know if their tweets move your heart. Make a habit of expressing your appreciation every day, online and off.

4. Bigger is not better

Do not get hang up on having more followers. Follow and be followed by people who matter to you. Build your tribe. A handful of followers who enthusiastically spread your ideas are better than a thousand phantom followers.

5. Go to the People

Listening on Twitter allows me to benefit from people's brilliance every day, and I feel humbled. It inspires me to go out and do great work for my family, friends, neighbors, colleagues, and the greater world. And I have my fellow Tweeple to thank for that inspiration.

1 comment:

  1. Misako,
    I love this. Great advice, very well thought out and definitely good to know for new users.

    I am so glad you decided to contribute to this twitter project.

    You are wonderful! :)

    All the best,
